Do It Anyway...

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2020

Do it anyway….

Every day we move through life finding our footing

Praying for the energy and confidence we need to take the next step

Which is why all to often, even if we are not happy where we are, we stay stuck

Because change is hard in the beginning

Taking the first step is scary

Staying in the safe lane is easier

No risk of being wrong or failure

No risk of others criticizing or doubting us

No someone following up with an “I told you so!”

Misery loves company they say

Because if you stay stuck, it gives someone else  permission to as well

But that’s not you

You know you are destined to do more

You are here on this planet at this time for a reason

Finding your plan is fulfilling your destiny

So be confident in you 

Because confidence is your fuel for the first step

Success comes when you celebrate that moment and take the next step

Certainty comes when you find your stride

But none of these are possible without action

Energy is the mother of all creation

So since it is always a decision

My secret weapon is “Do it Anyway

Look your fear in the face and do it anyway

Stare with uncertainty into the void and leap anyway

List your excuses and all of the reasons you could fail

Do it anyway

When you’re not sure if you are doing it right

Do it anyway and learn

When I look in the mirror, see a few extra lines and doubt myself

I do it anyway

When it’s been three days since my last shower, but my hair still looks good

I figure what the heck, let’s do another pajama day…..

Then my husband greets me gently, “Honey, please, do it anyway

Alright, into the shower I go….. I am so grateful I did! 

Just do it anyway….


50% Complete

Two Step

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