Simple steps to mastering your emotions

Do you know we all have an emotional guidance system. Our emotions are powerful teachers and our innate guides.  They can be our best friend or our worst enemy. You decide.

Emotions are energy in motion. They are our call into action that can take our life sideways, protect us from danger or keep us trapped in old patterns and behaviors. They can be negative or positive. Feelings in our gut can protect and connect us to our intuition that leads us on this path of life.

You have the power to harness them by seeing emotions as a call to tune in, listen and learn. 

Becoming conscious of your emotional life is an important step in the journey to creating a life with more joy, love, peace and passion. 

These simple steps have helped me create a practice to master my emotions and grace in life.  Imagine what your life would be like if you were 10% happier.  Would it be worth it.

  • Find a quiet space and relax. Close your eyes and begin to breathe in and out through...
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Our emotions are the ocean we drift upon in life

Which is why it is so important to be conscious of our emotional life. It can be our worst enemy or our best friend.  

What do you believe about emotions?  Do you ever stop and wonder where they come from, why they are there, what they teach you and most importantly, how they control your life.  

Is your life an emotional roller coaster or a merry go round?  Are you constantly up and down on the roller coaster of overwhelm, fear, anger, jealousy, loneliness and sadness.  If you could, would you choose the merry go round and a life with more joy, love, happiness and peace.  I used to live life on the roller coaster because I thought it was so thrilling. But over time it wore me out. The highs were high and the lows were oh so low.  That is when I made the decision to create new habits and my life changed because I changed.

Becoming your own life architect means that you are becoming the master of you, which includes your emotional...

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