Practice Makes Perfect

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2020

I was a tomboy when I was young

Not sure if it was because I was the fourth girl and my dad wanted a boy

I climbed trees, threw a spiral, hit a home run as well as others

I learned the thrill of playing to win


Practice makes perfect

No matter what you do

You have to be willing to be bad

Commit to get better

Be patient with your results

Stay the course even when you don't want to

Did deeper and commit another day

Even when it's cold and rainy outside or in your heart


You are a champion

And when you discover how strong you are

nothing will stop you again

Because you have proven to yourself

That you can start anew

Create a better life because you decided to


Mostly you decided you are worth it

I know you are

Because we all are

Which is why

Linking arms with others

Someone grabbing my hand when i am down

So I can return the hand to another who needs it

Has connected me into a beautiful community of hearts


Loving generous hearts are who we need to be

To create...

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Are You Ready? Biohacking Revolution is Now!

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2020

Over a decade ago I became a biohacker

It wasn’t yet a trend

It was an accident that I tried to avoid 


It was outside of the box and let’s be honest

People including my family thought I was crazy

But I do believe it is the crazies who change the world

Because you have to be a bit crazy to leave the status quo

And let go of what we are told to believe is normal


Today we have built a movement of thousands of Biohackers

And as a company, over a million globally

People just like you and me who learned what is possible

When we hack into the consciousness inside our cells

Plant medicine with patents 

Because it’s proven to do something that hadn’t been done before

Tune our cells up every single day

So we can repair, regenerate and restore our health


Are you looking for better health and well being

A bit more joy in your life and body

Because it is possible to feel, look and perform at a higher level

And after a decade I know


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What Are Your Superpowers?

Uncategorized Nov 25, 2020

Where do you find your super human strength

The ability to propel yourself past the overwhelm and procrastination 

Into your fearless heart


Because we will all have moments in life that challenge us

Throw us into a tailspin and turn our world inside out

Those scary times that take us to our knees

Wipe away the future we believed was imminent

And have us facing a clean slate that requires us to begin a new life story 


When I scroll back over my own life 

These have been the turning points for me

The call to reflection and then action

To begin again with what I have learned

Make a list of what lessons I do not want to repeat

Celebrate myself for growth and courage

And always so my grace and ask for guidance


My super power has been navigating the stormy seas

To understand adversity and pain from a very sensitive heart

And take this experience into helping others

Find their way

Get their sea legs back and blow belief in their sails

Till they can...

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How Can Cell Cleaning Benefit Me?

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2020

What is Autophagy?

Priya Khorana, PhD, in nutrition education from Columbia University explains that autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.  “Auto” means self and “phagy” means eat. So the literal meaning of autophagy is “self-eating.”

On the cellular level, autophagy is already occurring. It is a significant part of healthy cell function. Autophagy removes and disassembles dysfunctional and unnecessary cell components that can trigger illness. In fact, many studies have found that it can control inflammation, combat infectious diseases, and boost your immune system. 

If autophagy makes the body’s mechanisms more efficient, then would it increase my lifespan? Although there is a connection between self eating and longevity, research is mounting to show the benefits. 

Let me list a few….

- Gives your digestive system a break.

- Over time, intermittent...

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The Veils We Hide Ourselves Under

Uncategorized Nov 23, 2020

Did you ever play hide and seek?

It was my favorite game as a child

Laughing and hiding 

Until someone would find us in the darkness or light

I have found that game has continued through my life without my awareness

How do we hide ourselves from being seen

On this Monday I came across this quote

“All creatures are merely veils under which God hides Himself”

                Martin Luther

It made me think of the veils we hide ourselves under

The idea of being perfect, joyful always, superwoman or man

When the reality is

Our life is full of ups and downs

Twists and turns 

That either destroy us or teach us

Reeling in anger or surrendering in pain

Praying for guidance and love

It is in these moments that I find myself

My path back to letting go and trusting

Behind the veils of my ideas

Live the beautiful grace of God, the universe, angels and guides

It doesn’t matter what we name...

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My Fascination with Aging and Becoming a Biohacker

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2020

I am fascinated by aging.

I never thought about getting old until it started to happen

A wrinkle here, a crows feet there

All I wanted was more time

Because when aging rolls in, you begin to truly value time

My focus became finding better health and living a life that inspires me

So slowing aging became an obsession

This explorer in me became an avid researcher

What about you?

Do you ever wonder why we age or if we could possibly slow it down

Would you fight for a healthier happier life

For me this is a no brainer …. Uh, yea!

Which is why when I first heard about biohacking I was hooked

It was always clear that our body is a miracle

There is an incredible conscious intelligence working deep inside to keep us healthy

Our own internal defenses fighting every second on our behalf

Learning that there was a way to flip the lights back on inside my body

Was a simple resounding ….Hell ya!

Almost a decade later, I actually feel younger

More focused, more energized, more calm...

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My Secret Weapon: From Struggling to Success

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2020

I am excited today to share my secret weapon. Something that helped me go from struggling to successful. This story started a decade ago, when the downturn in the 2008 economy looked similar to where we are right now. 

I was home raising our boys who were 10, 13 and 14 at the time and knew I wanted to help out. I wanted to find a way to do something. 

But I wasn't about to leave my life, leave our children and go back into the corporate world where I had started my career  and sacrifice my freedom. I was praying for an answer and fortunately it showed up. The challenge was it wasn't in a package I understood or found acceptable. In fact, it was a network marketing company and being a corporate girl this was way outside my comfort zone. 

But I learned something that changed my life and gave me the power to help other people learn and change their life too. I also found a company I wanted to be a part of because I believed in their future. What the corporate...

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Do It Anyway...

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2020

Do it anyway….

Every day we move through life finding our footing

Praying for the energy and confidence we need to take the next step

Which is why all to often, even if we are not happy where we are, we stay stuck

Because change is hard in the beginning

Taking the first step is scary

Staying in the safe lane is easier

No risk of being wrong or failure

No risk of others criticizing or doubting us

No someone following up with an “I told you so!”

Misery loves company they say

Because if you stay stuck, it gives someone else  permission to as well

But that’s not you

You know you are destined to do more

You are here on this planet at this time for a reason

Finding your plan is fulfilling your destiny

So be confident in you 

Because confidence is your fuel for the first step

Success comes when you celebrate that moment and take the next step

Certainty comes when you find your stride

But none of these are possible without action

Energy is the mother of...

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What is Your Most Important Relationship?

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2020

The first thing that pops into my head is my husband, our children and family are my everything.  They give me purpose and make me whole.  They fill my days with meaning.  But the fact of the matter is they are not my most important relationship.... the one relationship I commit 100% of myself to every day is..... ME

Our most important relationship is our relationship to ourself.  How you treat yourself is how you treat others.  How you talk to yourself reflects in how you expect others to behave towards you.  Your relationship with yourself is what reflects in the world as the movie of your life.  

Which is why my number one purpose every day is to be more present.  Our presence is the present we give to the world, to our family and friends and ultimately ourself.  Change your relationship with you....cut out all of the negative self-limiting talk and replace it with powerful "I am.." statements will reprogram your brain but also...

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What is on My Heart

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2020

My dear friend Melissa @wisdomword11 shared a story today that I love.

When she was young and afraid of thunder and lightning, her mother would tell her it was actually angels bowling in heaven.  The thought of that makes me smile as it takes something we are afraid of and turns it into something that is fun.

This is the perfect metaphor for what we fear.  How can we reframe our thinking to look at what frightens us in a new light.  Today we are confronted with a universal fear caused by the pandemic and impact on the economy.  Will we be paralyzed in the fear of our mind pounding scary thoughts into our head?  Or will we choose to see how we have moved through times of uncertainty before in life and probably developed new skills and thinking that helped us be better.

We need to change.  We need to get of the hamster wheel of never enough.  Those are the crazy thoughts that keep us on the endless path of striving and stress that are not healthy for...

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